Thursday, December 26, 2019

Inclusion - Both Practice and Educational Philosophy

Definition Inclusion is both a practice and a basic underpinning of modern educational philosophy. A Practice The practice of inclusion in public schools is based on the legal concept of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) When Congress passed PL94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, it was in response to the findings of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1971 in PARC (Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Citizens) vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The decision stated that children with handicaps were protected under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Least Restrictive Environment has come to be known, through legal challenges and due process, as that educational experience that is most like that received by non-disabled students. Districts (the Local Education Authority) are expected to offer a full spectrum of placements in the best interest of children, from full inclusion, which means receiving all instruction in the general education setting, to residential treatment,when it is in the best interest of the child, and all alternate levels of restriction have been exhausted.   It also requires that students with disabilities attend schools in their neighborhood, rather than in special schools.   Most students receive support and services in something between the two extremes, as for students with significant academic challenges, they often do the best when they receive explicit instruction in the resource room, where the difference in their skills and their need to focus are not compromised by active students.  Ã‚   The amount of time spent in a special education setting needs to be designated in their IEP, as well as being justified there. Inclusion as a Philosophy Inclusion is also an educational philosophy. Supported by research, it fosters belief that children with disabilities do better in general education settings with typically developing peers. It also advances the understanding, also supported by research, that best practices in special education, especially differentiation, provide the most success for general education as well as special education students. Unlike mainstreaming which proposed to stick students qualifying for special education in general educations to sink or swim, inclusion holds that students of broadly differing abilities can succeed with appropriate support. Although integration is sometimes used interchangeably with inclusion, it is more generally understood as the effort to bring minorities, English Language Learners and new immigrants from diverse populations, into local educational communities, and the practices that best foster smooth integration into social and cultural groups.   Certainly, good teaching is good teaching, and strategies that help integrate English Language Learners also supports students with specific learning disabilities in building and enriching language development.    Pronunciation: in-kloo-shun Also Known As: integration, inclusional (in Canada and England) Examples: The Rye, New Jersey school district has clearly demonstrated its commitment to inclusion by hiring and training extra special education teachers to co-teach in middle school and high school classrooms with general education teachers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Annalee Ferguson. Dr. Wolfe. Dc American History. 30 March

Annalee Ferguson Dr. Wolfe DC American History 30 March 2017 Gerald Ford Gerald Ford was a simple man born in Omaha, Nebraska on July 14, 1913 (Brinkley 1). Through trials and tribulations growing up, Ford, originally named Leslie Lynch King, Jr., became a stellar football player, friend, and student (Green). Though law was always in his wheelhouse, graduating in the top third of his class at Yale’s Law School, Ford never intended on being in a position higher than Speaker of the House, which he strived so hard for. (Friedel and Sidey). He was selected to be the Vice-President to Richard Nixon by senior Congressional leaders after Nixon’s vice resigned (Green). After Nixon resigned, Ford gained the title of President Ford, making him the†¦show more content†¦On August 5, 1979, Ford could no longer backup Nixon (Green). He stated, â€Å"It is impossible for the President to continue to claim that he was not guilty of an impeachable offense† (Ford). Three days later, Nixon resigned in they way of a televised nation al address and Gerald R. Ford became the thirty eighth president of the United States. As president, Ford’s first goal and expectation by America, was to speak on the resignation of Nixon and the Watergate scandal (Green). Upon being inaugurated, on August 9, 1974, Ford declared, â€Å"I assume the Presidency under extraordinary circumstances.... This is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts† (Ford). On September 8, 1974, President Ford signed a proclamation pardoning Richard Nixon (Green). This means that Nixon nor any of his family members would be punished for any crime that he committed (Ford). This was a very controversial act on Ford’s part and many Americans thought that it was because they were such close friends (Freidel and Sidey). Other people and even newspapers mocked Ford saying this pardon was, â€Å"A gross misuse, if not abuse, of presidential power† (Brinkley 68). This was simply not the case. America was in a rough spot; terrible inflation plagued the country as well as the political unrest caused by the recent incidents (Freidel and Sidey). How much more could the people take? Ford chose this

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Cultural Study Of Childbirth In Rural Mexico Essay Example For Students

A Cultural Study Of Childbirth In Rural Mexico Essay OutlineI. make up of a typical home A. living arrangements B. layout of the home II. starting a family A. new home B. becoming pregnant III. child birth A. midwife B. birth setting C. prenatal care D. birth of the child E. postpartum IV. conclusions The rural Mexican culture is made up of many small towns and villages. The social connections among adults in theses areas are relatively intimate because many of these areas are endoga mous communities. Most newly married couples live with the mans parents until they are financially stable enough to purchase land of their own to build on. Though it is less common the couple may decide to live with the wifes parents if the mother and daughter-in-law dont get along (Kay, 1991, p. 367). A typical mexican home or compound as they are commonly called. Consists of the familys private living space, which is likely to be set back from the road. Generally the compound is enclosed by a stone wall and contains several structures. There is the main house which might be a modern type, built of stone and have a metal roof, or the traditional wattle and daub walls with a steep palm-thatched roof. Either way, it is likely to be a one-room house. The traditional house is oval, has a floor of pressed dirt or tile, and two doors but no windows. Inside the windowless house, daylight filters in though the palm thatching. At night a single electric bulb provides light. Also at night, several hammocks are let down from the rafters and the house serves as the familys sleeping quarters. In every compound there is also a separate cooking hut with an open fire. Near the well there will be a raised trough covered, by a palm-thatched roof, for the daily clothes-washing. ! Sometimes there is a small bath house built of sticks interwoven with palm leaves, in which house hold members take their daily baths. The most striking thing about life in the compound is the extent to which various activities inter mingle. The whole compound constitutes an extended living area where there is little or no individual private space (Spielman, 1993). Typically rural mexicans believe that conceptions occurs immediately after a menstrual period. This idea is based on the notion that the uterus opens to release the blood that has been dripping in during the preceding weeks. After the menstrual flow has stopped the uterus is believed to remain open, it is during this time that women it most likely for them to get pregnant (Jordan, 1993, p. 18). Pregnancies are almost exclusively dealt with by midwifes. The first prenatal visit is somewhat special. At this time the pregnant woman and the midwife determine the probable date of birth: nine calendar months from the day following the completion of the womans last menstrual period. Massage is an integral part of the midwifes skills. If the midwife has determined, in the course of the massage, that the baby is in a breech or trans verse position, she will do an inversion. She locates the babys head and hip and by applying strong, even pressure to these parts, shifts the babys body into the more favorable head-down position. The procedure is sometimes painful but since the alternative is a Caesarean section in the capital, the women much prefer to tolerate a few minutes of discomfort. The midwife will do a version as often as necessary from the eight month on, up to the time of birth. She attempts to avoid a breech birth if at all possible and is an expert at tur! ning the baby even when the woman is in labor, as long as the breech is not yet engaged (Jordan, 1993, pp. 21-22). Birth generally takes place in the home but for the birth of a first child it may take place in the mothers parents home. After the onset of labor women continue doing house hold tasks until the labor intensifies to the point that it is no longer possible to finish what they are doing (Jordan, 1993, pp. 23-24). The father of the child is expected to be present at birth, if he is not then any complications that may occur are blamed on his absence. It is also typical for the mother of the woman in labor to be present even if she must travel a great distance (Jordan, 1993, p. 24). Birth usually takes place in a hammock but may progress to the legs of a chair tipped on its side, it is generally what ever the mother feels to be most comfortable. There may be any number of women present the only stipulation is that they them selves must also have given birth. The only male present is the father, he is considered the support person. Typically the father will stand behind the mother lying in the hammock and she will sling her arms up and around his neck, other women will rotate in as the support person. The support person coaches the mother along with the other women present, breathing with her, covering her mouth and nose during pushing and even mirroring the mothers contraction (Jordan, 1993, pp. 23-25). The midwife never ruptures the bag of water, instead it is believed to cushion the ba bies head. It will often times appear externally as a small ball and increase and decrease with con tractions. This action helps to enlarge the perineal area, and makes tearing of this area very rare, but if it should the midwife will send for a doctor to repair it. If after sometime it appears that the contractions need strengthening, a raw egg is given to the mother. As could be expected she immediately regurgitates it, this retching usually stimulates a very strong contraction. If additional stimulation is needed an injection of a B complex vitamin is given (Jordan, 1993, p. 26). Once the babies head appears it is suctioned, and after it complete birth it is placed on the mothers abdomen. The midwife then ties the cord once it has stopped pulsating. She doesnt cut the cord until the afterbirth has passed. If the placenta is not expelled within a half an hour or is not completely expelled the midwife will send for a doctor to manually extract it. If the baby is a girl she will, wi thin a hour, have her ears pierced, it is done early so that the babies attention will not be focused and she will not feel it (Jordan, 1993, pp. 28-29). During and after the birth the mother and child are consid ered to be susceptible to evil spirits from the bush. As a result the doors are kept closed and cracks are stuffed with rags to prevent the spirits form entering (Minturn, 1984, p. 206). This is also the reason for the mother and infant remaining indoors for seven days after the birth. The midwife will return the next day to examine the baby and talk with the mother. She will also return twenty days after the birth. At this visit she will give a massage, and applies binders to the mothers head, breast and pelvic areas in order to close the birthing bones. Though the head and breast binder may be removed when ever they become uncomfortable, the pelvic binder is left in place continu ally after giving birth. Also at this visit the midwife formally terminates the childbirth pr ecess (Jordan, 1993, p. 30). New borns are constantly in contact with someone unless they are asleep. Though bottle feeding is status symbol, babies are exclusively breast feed, though some supplemental bottle feeding may occur. Babies are not feed according to a regular time table, but rather when ever they appear hungry or cry (Jordan, 1993, p. 30). In infancy and early childhood, children spend a good deal of their time with their mothers. Mother care for their babies almost exclusively for the first month of their lives and are the primary caretakers for the first six months. After this time mothers begin seeking help in caring for their infants. When the mother goes out she make take the older children, but she will leave the nursing baby with a female friend or relative who are also lactating so they can nurse the infant. The most common substitute caretakers when mother goes to do work or visit around the home, are older daughters (Minturn, 1984, p. 202). Up to the age of six years children are give simple tasks at random but are not expected to complete them, after the age of six they are. Also after the age of six the tasks given tend to be gender related, unless their are no females, then the male children will assume the female roles, but females wont assume male roles (Minturn, 1984, pp. 204-205). Childbirth in rural mexico is a time of gathering and celebration (Jordan, 1993, pp. 29-30). It is a natural experi ence that takes place in the home under the careful supervision of an experienced midwife. Though pregnancy typically devoid of any professional medical intervention, birth in their culture is relatively free from any complications and will likely remain that way as long as their heritage is preserved. References Jordan, B. (1993). Birth in four cultures. Montreal: Eden. Kay, M. A. (Ed.). (1991). Anthropology of human birth. Phila delphia: F. A. Davis. Minturn, L., Lambert W. W. (1984). Mothers in six cultures: antecedents of child rearing. New York: J. Wiley. Spielman, G. (1993). Interview. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Sim Venture Business Planning and Developement Essay Example

Sim Venture Business Planning and Developement Essay In hypothetical terms, the firm was bound to go into losses in the first few months of establishment. The objective we had prioritised was to establish the company quickly with minimal losses, which then could be easily recovered over a short time period. We firstly did the essential market research. This would give us a market audit, allowing us to precisely plan both short-term and long-term strategies, ensuring that we don’t have any confusion and see exactly what our goal is. Along with the research, we decided to build a premium website. This was our first step into advertising, organising and brought up a channel of communication between stakeholders and us. Our next step was competition research. This should us what we were up against and how to establish our own USP, accordingly, we set our product specifications and price as well as an introductory promotional discount to attract customers if they enquired. We then did negotiations with distributors to establish channels of distribution. The reason for this is that a company needs revenue, but more importantly, profit to survive, which can only be established with sales. By the third month, we had successfully established a channel of distribution, which was in our budget and produced good profits. We mistakenly forgot about the 30-day credit. We had consumed a majority of our capital, leaving us in money being owed to the bank. We therefore decided to apply for an overdraft to allow us a margin for error. Also as a reassurance as well as necessity, we needed to raise capital, so we borrowed surplus from friends and family. Customers continued not to pay money owed to us, leading in Microvault going in to debts of thousands of pounds. We will write a custom essay sample on Sim Venture Business Planning and Developement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sim Venture Business Planning and Developement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sim Venture Business Planning and Developement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This was not acceptable so we set up credit control to regain money owed to us. We had to take drastic measures to ensure the company’s survival. We were left with no choice but to take out a ? 10,000 loan from the bank to sustain our losses and maintain a working capital for production as we had contracted new distributors as well. This meant production line quantity increased as well as surplus to maintain production and overheads. Eventually, the debtors paid up and business was stable. Enquires were slowly increasing as well as individual orders. We then decided to hold expansion for a while and focus on saving profits. This was to ensure that once research had been done and we did decide to expand, we would have the capital to sustain it. Meanwhile, we published a trade magazine advert. This was the first real promotion we had done. It helped the company’s reputation and status quite a bit. Enquires increased and sales were at an all time high. Eventually, we completed the formal setup of MicroVault Ltd. This reduced the risk of liquidisation and redundancy as well as improved the company status and reputation. We then created an employment contract and made the individual full-time. Lastly, we relocated to a business park, as the demand was higher than the storage capacity. This saved us hours of labour put in, resulting in more time to focus on other things such as recruitment. Activity 2 MICROVAULT LTD COMPANY. Report to: Bank Manager Date: 4th February 2009-03-04 Report for: Bank Loan Title: Obtaining a loan for MICROVAUL LTD COMPANY to help finance expansion. Executive Summary This is an end-of-year trading report of MICROVAULT LTD COMPANY. I am writing this report to show the success of the company so far, and explain its performance. The main point of this report is to obtain a loan from the bank to help finance expansion. Introduction We are a small limited company called MICROVAULT. MICROVAULT was established in 2009. We specialise in producing Computers. Our company is in a market for 14 months and we are looking forward to make it much more successful with some financial support form the bank. So far our company have a high reputation with its stakeholders and local community, we are looking forward to be better and stronger against our competitors. By looking at our report you will see that MICROVAULT is extremely credit-worthy and have low debts. Main body In a past year our business came thru very hard time. At the beginning our company was reaching some losses in the first few months of establishment. By that time we knew that if we don’t come up with some good ideas our business will go bankrupt. In March 2009 our profit and loss account achieved minus 445 pounds. Our goal was to establish MICROVAULT as quickly as possible with minimal losses. We did a lot of market research, we build a premium website to communicate with stakeholders and other companies. We also came up with some discount for a short period. Step by step our company profit was going up and as we sign contract with distributors, we got orders for reasonable price. When the company was in a good ‘shape’ we forgot about 30-day credit. We have spent most of our capital therefore we owned bank quite a lot of money. Leaving us no choice we decide to apply for an overdraft, and also borrow money from friends and family. After a month our company came back on race and starts to make very big profit. Our Enquires increased and sales were at all time high. At the end of a year our profit and loss account look very promising as it reached 10615 pounds, and sales turnover reached 35404 pounds. At the end of the year where our company made some profits we did our very first promotion by publishing a trade magazine advert. It helped MICROVAULT reputation. One of the most important things we have done is we created an employment contact, and improves the company rank and reputation. By making it happened we signed more contracts with large distributors and orders from customers has gone up. MICROVAULT is only a half way to be a successful limited company. We already make profits and grow our reputation. Our current profit margin is 33% and we will try to increase it by 10-15%, which make it go up to about 40-45%. Every month we are getting new orders and enquire therefore we need to focus on recruiting new employees. Our company will buy products in large quantities, which will gave us a bulk discount, and we will be able to save money. Recruiting new workers might be a quite expensive investment as it takes time, and money to recruit and train new workers. We will need a bookkeeper to keep us up to date with our losses and profits and also if we owe someone money. Our company will put more effort on competition research, product specifications and price. In the future we will try to offer more discounts, and reasonable prices. We might think of better advertisement such as calling customers or by mailing them. Conclusion In conclusion, I believe MICOVAULT is at the right position to become a successful business. Our Company need more time and money to research and recruit new workers, which leads to extra costs. We already completed the ormal set up for MICROVAULT and we are ready for new opportunities. The company has many prospects for the future such as expansion of the business in many areas. Recommendations The reason why I am asking for a loan is that MICROVALT Company might not be able to afford recruitment process which is expensive and time consuming. As I mentioned above we need new workers in order to success. Without recrui ting new employees MICROVAULT wont be able to meet customers demand, orders wont be on time therefore people will stop using our services which might leads to closing down the Company. We will allocated loan money in advertising such as magazines, websites, news papers, weekly mails in order to increase the customer information about our company. We hope this report will provide you with a clearer view of MICROVAUL. Activity 3 In this report I am going to discuss the trade-offs my team come across in developing our small business called MICROVAULT. A trade- off is when we loose one quality or feature of something in return for gaining another quality or aspect. The SimVenture task took my team a little bit of time as we re-run the business few times. It was three of us me (Ngan Nguyen), Raxit and Nitesh. All three of us had some good, and bad ideas, which not always make our Company making profits, and orders from customers. At a very beginning when we start our business we ware making losses, and we decide to recover them over a short-term period. We had to do a market research, which gave us clear market review. By doing that we had time to plan short-term and long-term strategies and prepare our goals. As a group we decide to put more efforts on profit rather than growth. Our goal was to make as much profit as possible within 12 moths. We had successfully established a channel of distribution, this gave us a good profit. Our company income starts to go up after May 2009 we had gone up to 3160 pounds. Our business paid private consultant to find information’s about our competitors in the market in order to produce better products. In my opinion in order to succeed in a real small business you have to dedicate you time, your money, and yourself. You need set up a goals of the company, what you want to achieve, and be committed to the business, know how to recruit workers for right jobs and positions. Pay attention to every progress your business is making from finance, orders, advertising to researches, complaints, and enquires. To run the business successfully you should know how to purchase the products and services, and also how to negotiate with your suppliers. You should be able to manage your finances. In other words experience is the key to success, we need to learn how to run the business and where to start it. In the SimVenture you can try at start all over again until you get some profits but in real life when you start you company, there is no coming back. Ether you will succeed or you will go bankrupt. Another key to success is to have a fresh idea for a product and determination, the willingness and energy to make it succeed